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SOUTHCITY Auto Repair specializes in complete auto repairs for foreign, domestic, car truck, SUV's, RV's and Fleet Service.
Experience through knowledge – We listen, evaluate, then enhance the delivery.
Unleashing potential – using technology to support a clearly defined fleet policy.
Better together – Becoming an extension of your fleet management team.
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6611 Orange Ave Sacramento CA 95823
WORK HOURS: 09:00 - 17:00
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CONTACT: 916 4286003
Catalytic Converters – South City Auto Repair and Fleet Services
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Catalytic Converters

Catalytic Conversions

The modern automotive exhaust system is much more advanced than what was available even just a couple of decades ago. After recognizing that the average automobile was one of the primary sources of global pollution, the US government enacted the Clean Air Act, requiring that all vehicles manufactured after that date had to have an operational catalytic converter, among other important components. Your “cat” sits inline in the exhaust system of your car, quietly working away and reducing harmful emissions.

The benefits of a catalytic converter

Catalytic converters make cars more environmentally friendly by cutting down on air pollution from passenger vehicles. This helps reduce smog issues in larger cities and congested areas where thousands of people commute daily. It also helps protect the Earth’s ozone layer from depletion.

Catalytic converters play a major role in whether your car passes or fails inspection. The United States requires that all passenger vehicles pass an emissions test in order to receive an inspection sticker.

Your catalytic converter helps reduce harmful emissions by filtering out certain hydrocarbons from your car’s exhaust system. But the benefits don’t stop there.

Catalytic converters also reduce exhaust noise from your car. Have you ever been behind someone on the road whose vehicle had a loud and rumbling exhaust?

Their car may have had a problem with its catalytic converter. Catalytic converters help your car run quieter in addition to their environmental benefits.

Contact us today for a consultation in relation to the benefits of a catalytic converter.