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About Us
SOUTHCITY Auto Repair specializes in complete auto repairs for foreign, domestic, car truck, SUV's, RV's and Fleet Service.
Experience through knowledge – We listen, evaluate, then enhance the delivery.
Unleashing potential – using technology to support a clearly defined fleet policy.
Better together – Becoming an extension of your fleet management team.
Contact Us
6611 Orange Ave Sacramento CA 95823
WORK HOURS: 09:00 - 17:00
FIND US: 6611 A Orange Ave Sacramento CA 95823
CONTACT: 916 4286003
A/C Service – South City Auto Repair and Fleet Services
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A/C Service


A/C Service

Summer’s arrival means your vehicle’s air conditioning system is going to be under a serious strain before long. If you haven’t had your system serviced in a while, now’s the time. While most newer vehicles may simply be able to get away with having their A/C recharged, older cars and trucks may require a little extra attention.

The best way to keep your compressor from failing is to have your A/C system serviced once a year.  Our qualified and experienced Technicians will ensure that we provide you with the best possible service for your A/C in your vehicle.



March 15, 2017